We need beauty like we need food and shelter. Being in the presence of beauty fills a deep need we all have to experience the transcendent in the ordinary, to know that the world is shaped, ordered and sustained by a power beyond ourselves. When we’re in the presence of great beauty—a landscape, a lover, …
Copper House Experiences
No-Bake Chocolate-Almond-Coconut Tart
It was New Year’s Eve, and I had been tasked with making dessert for the party we were invited to. What to make? I wanted to bring something impressive and celebratory. It was New Year’s Eve after all. But after ten days of holiday cooking and hosting, I was in no mood for a project. …
Scrambled Tofu That Rivals Eggs
A couple of weeks ago my husband and I took my daughter Maggy’s challenge: to eat a plant-based diet for two weeks. During that time we would explore new ingredients and ways of cooking. We would also start to understand the ingredients we couldn’t live without. Now that the experiment is over, what did …
How to Cook Holiday Brussels Sprouts
Short of opening and heating a can of vegetables, Grainy Mustard Glazed Brussels Sprouts are about as simple and fresh as a holiday vegetable gets. To double this recipe, use a large roasting pan set over 2 burners instead of a large skillet and use a piece of foil as a lid. Or, you can …